How to maintain your dental implant to keep it for a long time?
You’ve recently had a dental implant installed and you want it to stay solid in the long term? The most effective solution consists of having a rigorous and daily oral hygiene regimen! At Clinique Dentaire Champlain on the South Shore (Brossard), we have concocted you this blog article so that you may be equipped with the proper knowledge to have your implant resist the many years ahead!
The toothbrush: an essential item
Taking care of your implant is not so different from doing it on your real teeth. Brush them 2 to 3 times per day, after meals. Choose non-abrasive toothpastes that will be gentle on your prosthesis and your dentition, as well as electric or manual soft-bristle toothbrushes. Brossez-les de 2 à 3 fois par jour après les repas. Préférez les dentifrices non abrasifs qui seront doux pour votre prothèse et votre dentition, de même que les brosses électriques ou manuelles à poils souples. Take care to use the techniques recommended by your dentist.
Dental floss : a must
Your toothbrush cannot reach all areas and all the tiny gaps in our smile. This is where dental floss comes in. Make sure the space in between your teeth is exempt from bacteria: the same applies to your implant and around it. A meticulous cleaning will greatly reduce the risk of infections due to poor oral hygiene, as dental floss is recognized as being an integral part of a good oral hygiene regimen.
Accessories : to strongly consider
Take the quality of your cleaning to the next level by using additional hygiene tools. If dental floss is too thin to properly clean a gap between 2 teeth that is unreachable with the toothbrush, consider using an interdental brush (offered in varying sizes). Also do consider antibacterial rincing to prevemt inflammation and infection.
Visits at the dentist’s : a necessity for your dental implant
Complement your oral care by visiting the dentist once or twice per year so that he or she may control the results of your brushing, but also to eliminate plaque and tartar that accumulate on your teeth and that could, in the long term, degrade your implant’s stability. The dentist will take advantage of the occasion to verify, with x-ray imaging, the solidity of your implant and the way it behaves in relation to your jaw bone, on which it is attached.
You have questions about dental implants, or you wish to book an appointment with a dentist on the South Shore? At Clinique Dentaire Champlain in Brossard, our customers’ satisfaction is our priority: get in touch with us!